Bufo)Toad / Recreacional (Fortíssima) / 35 Minutos
Há diversas espécies dos sapos que produzem “venom” que tem propriedades psicoativas. O “venom” de uma espécie (Bufo alvarius) contém “5-MeO-DMT” e bufoteína, e a maioria dos outros sapos só tem Bufoteína. O psicoativo de 5-MeO-DMT e juntamente com a bufoteína tornam-se poderosíssimos (fumado ou oralmente) embora assim sendo menos potente. Muitos vendedores vendem a pele destes sapos seca, mas assim ficam mais fracas, e existem métodos de retirar o psicoativo sem prejudicar os pobres sapos que contem 5 methoxy-n, a N-dimethyltryptamine ou a N, N-dimethylserotonin. O sapo de Bufo) provou ser o mais forte de todos.
Bufo)Toad / Recreational (Strongest) / 35 Minutes
There are several species of toads which produce venom that has psychoactive properties. The venom of one species (Bufo alvarius) contains both 5-MeO-DMT and bufotenin, while several others contain only bufotenin. The psychoactivity of 5-MeO-DMT is clearly established and more data is coming to light which suggests that bufotenin is equally psychoactive (both smoked and oral) although somewhat less potent. While dried toad skins are sold by some vendors, there is little benefit to this method as toad venom can be collected without harming the toad 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine or N,N-dimethylserotonin. Bufo)Toad has proven to be one of your strongest doses, so it is highly advised that beginners start with another dose.