Game Enhancer / ACTION / 15 Minutes
I-Doser.com exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example ACTION games include: Arkaham Asylum, Prince of Persia, Red Dead Redemption, Alan Wake, Dead to Rights, Monster Hunter, Splinter Cell, and other action oriented games.

Game Enhancer / ADVENTURE / 15 Minutes
I-Doser.com exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example ADVENTURE games include: Phoenix Wright, Sam and Max, Monkey Island, Endless Ocean, Heavy Rain, Silent Hill, and other adventure oriented games.

Game Enhancer / CASUAL / 15 Minutes
I-Doser.com exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example CASUAL games include: Peggle, FarmVille, Scrabble, Bejeweled, Zuma, Tetris, and other casual oriented games.

Game Enhancer / FIGHTING / 15 Minutes
I-Doser.com exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example FIGHTING games include UFC, Street Fighter, Final Fight, Fatal Fury, Tekken , and other fighting oriented games.

Game Enhancer / MUSIC/ 15 Minutes
I-Doser.com exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example MUSIC games include Tap Tap, Lips, Guitar Hero, Dance Dance Revolution, Karaoke Revolution, Rock Band, and other music oriented games.

Game Enhancer / RACING / 15 Minutes
I-Doser.com exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example RACING games include Blur, Need for Speed, MotorStorm, Gran Turismo, Forza, WipEout, and other racing oriented games.

Game Enhancer / RPG / 15 Minutes
I-Doser.com exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example RPG games include Final Fantasy, Borderlands, Fable, Fallout, Mass Effect, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Age, and other rpg oriented games.

Game Enhancer / SHOOTER / 15 Minutes
I-Doser.com exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example SHOOTER games include Doom, Raystorm, Left 4 Dead, Army of Two, Battlefield, Bioshock, Call of Duty, and other shooter oriented games.

Game Enhancer / SPORTS / 15 Minutes
I-Doser.com exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example SPORTS games include FIFA, Skate, Tony Hawk, 2K, MLB, NHL, NFL, NBA, and other sports oriented games.

Game Enhancer / STRATEGY / 15 Minutes
I-Doser.com exclusive line of game enhancer doses designed to be administered either just before or during a gaming session. For casual, moderate, hardcore, or professional gamers – each dose is designed to enhance your abilities for a specific game genre. Example STRATEGY games include Command and Conquer, Plants vs. Zombies, Tropico, Sim-style, Civ, Starcraft, and other strategy oriented games.